Series of 6 masterclasses that will provide participants with the tools to understand what a healthy diet is for them, how to eat, what to eat for a healthy body.


Series of 6 masterclasses that will provide participants with the tools to understand what a healthy diet is for them, how to eat, what to eat for a healthy body. We will discuss movement, mindset, supplements, how to make the best use of your money/time when you’re on this journey.
Focus is weight loss whilst maintaining & improving health

starting date - 09/05/2024

All masterclasses will have 2 parts: 1h - presentation followed by 30 min Q&A
(max time scheduled should be 2h so we have a buffer)
scheduled in a series, each one being 2 weeks apart

Sign-up now $100

Location: Zoom

You will receive a zoom link only after payment is received.

Masterclass 1: Foundations of Nutrition for Women

Understanding Macronutrients and Micronutrients: The roles and sources of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Understanding Calories for Weight Loss

Special Nutritional Considerations for Women: Iron, calcium, folate, and other essential nutrients.

Reading and Understanding Nutrition Labels: How to interpret labels to make healthier choices.

The Hype around Protein: do we really need it and how much ?

Masterclass 2: Optimal Diet for Emotional and Digestive Health

Part 1:

Nutritional Psychology and Emotional Well-being

How nutrients affect neurotransmitter functions and mood.

Identifying foods that help reduce stress and enhance mood stability.

Part 2:

Managing Digestive Health and Food Sensitivities

Identifying and Managing Common Food Sensitivities: Strategies for pinpointing and adjusting diets around sensitivities like lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity.

The Role of Diet in Inflammation: How to structure an anti-inflammatory diet to manage chronic pain or autoimmune conditions.

Gut Health as Central to Overall Health: Importance of a balanced gut microbiome, and foods that promote digestive health, including probiotics and prebiotics.

Masterclass 3: Practical Meal Planning and Preparation

Creating a Balanced Meal Plan: Examples of daily and weekly meal plans.

Shopping Smart: How to shop for groceries effectively and economically.

Meal Prep Strategies: Preparing meals in advance to save time and ensure nutritional goals are met.

Masterclass 4: Supplements and Women’s Health

The Role of Supplements: When are they necessary and what to consider.

Key Supplements for Women

What’s important and what’s overhyped ?

Adjusting our diet based on our monthly cycle

Masterclass 5: Movement and Physical Health

Exercise as a Part of Daily Life: Incorporating movement into your routine.

Types of Exercises Beneficial for Women: Cardio, strength training, flexibility exercises.

Masterclass 6: Mindset, Self-love, and Mental Health

Importance of mindset during a diet; identity shift to becoming a fit healthy person

Stress management and its impact on physical health.

Building a Positive Body Image: Embracing self-love.

Optional custom meal plan: $100

- comes with personalized consultation

June 1, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions.

What is whole person healing and wellness?
Whole person healing and wellness is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Rather than focusing solely on physical symptoms or ailments, our approach aims to address the root causes of imbalances by nurturing harmony across all aspects of an individual's being.
What makes your approach unique?
Our approach is truly pioneering in the field of adult whole person healing and wellness. We combine ancient wisdom, cutting-edge science, and evidence-based practices to create personalized, integrative care plans. Our multidisciplinary team of experts offers a comprehensive range of modalities, including mindfulness practices, nutritional healing, movement therapies, energy work, and lifestyle coaching.
How do I get started?
The first step is to schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced practitioners. During this session, we'll discuss your goals, concerns, and overall well-being, allowing us to create a personalized care plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Do you offer any online programs or resources?
Yes, in addition to our in-person services, we offer a variety of online resources to support your journey towards whole person healing and wellness. These include virtual workshops, self-paced courses, guided meditations, and a wealth of educational content in our online library.

Are you ready to get on your Journey ?

Reach out today and experience the Dawning difference.