Family size | 2023 income numbers | 2024 income numbers |
for individual | $14,580 | $15,060 |
For a family of 2 | $19,720 | $20,000 |
For a family of 3 | $24,860 | $25,820 |
for a family of 4 | $30,000 | $31,200 |
For a family of 5 | $35,140 | $36,580 |
For a family of 6 | $40,280 | $41,960 |
For a family of 7 | $45,420 | $47,340 |
For a family of 8 | $50,560 | $52,720 |
for a family of 9 | Add $5,140 for each extra person | Add $5,380 for each extra person |
Choose the membership which fits your needs. Both Preferred and Sponsor tiers help support our mission in providing Outreach services.
basic membership allows full access to our services and appointment calendars for all providers.
If local, our professional chef will teach and guide an in-person class through healthy meal prep and cooking to a max party of (5) free of charge
If local, our professional chef will prepare and serve a complete 3 course nutrition focused meal to a max party of (5) free of charge.